Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Creative and all that jazz...

Check this out....

click here

I mean the colours and the It stirs something in my soul, something I don't really have time to answer right now but I feel like there will be a time for this too, as season for my soul as it were.

Seasons. It's something I feel God has been speaking to me about. There will be time for my stuff, time to learn new things and explore my creative side, time to sit and visit and time for less "dirt-under-your fingernails" and "laundry by the truck load" kind of tasks.

I can wait! but at the same time I'm learning to appreciate the season I'm in (or I pray I am). The time of chubby cheeks and sticky fingers, of boys on the cusp of manhood and houses on the brink craziness. There's joy here in the confusion and chaos and mess too!

Oh and I wanted to share this. I adjusted my mil's famous (well to us anyway) chocolate cake recipe to make it lower fat and moist at the same time. It's pretty yummy! If you don't have spelt flour just use whole wheat or white. It will still be amazing!

Wickedly Delish Choc Cake

1 cup spelt flour
3/4 cup white flour
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup cocoa
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

sift together and add:
2 eggs
1 cup strong coffee
1 cup sour milk
1 cup apple sauce
1 tsp vanilla

mix until all smooth and bake at 350 for 30-40 mins

I use a cream cheese icing but it's up to you:)

This is what we'll be having for dessert tonight....mmmmmmmmmmmm!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Little words in the background....

I'm sitting here enjoying a moment of blog reading (seriously have you read the Pioneer Woman? Hilarious! and I teeny bit crazy. Just how I like 'em!) while behind me my two youngest play and watch Narnia on the big screen.

I've started to notice something about my girls. They argue. All. The. Time. Is this normal? Should they argue about everything? I'm not even sure if arguing quite describes it. They just sort of snip at each other, or instruct each other continually. I don't have a sister so please help me out here. I've heard my Nanny (in her 80's) and her sisters talk to each other like this but I hoped it was just them? I guess I kind of imagined sisters braiding each other's hair and telling secrets like best friends. I know, I know, there are unicorns and dancing rainbows in my world too!

Here was this moments conversation:

"Bella, Bella", my youngest calls to her sister's toy.
"Amelia!" spoken sharply with the best six year old, Know-it-all voice, "I'm Rosabell!!!"

I mean, really. Doesn't everyone know this. A. being the great little sis that she is, doesn't miss a beat and just switches names. She's not to be outdone though and starts instructing on another point.

It's amazing to me to hear these two argue and chat, chat and argue. I guess under it all they really are the best of friends. I pray they stay that way. I would have given anything to have a sister. They won't understand this feeling, of course, because they've always had one but hopefully they grow to be best friends AND sisters.

Oh and here's a shout out to my niece who turned nine yesterday. We kinda "share" kids and you add her into the mix...yikes. It's like listening to the funniest, cutest group of fishwives on the planet!

Happy Birthday Emilee Rose!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hoping there's a green thumb in there somewhere...

So we've never had a garden before...NEVER. So what do we do? Do we start with a small patch and grow a couple of things, hoping to learn as we go along? NO WAY! That is for sissies...we build a ... well let me just show you....

Cool, right?! This was taken on Friday or Saturday before Kev filled them with dirt completely.
Here's the final product taken yesterday after the kids and I planted them with an assortment of veggies and fruit. Wahooo! In the pouring rain I might add....

We're going to fill in around it with wood chips to cut down on the mud and yuck and even build a couple little seats. Whenever I type "we" in association with the word "build" you can just read Kevin really. I'm just building things in spirit! I only have the ideas people.

Here are the little herb gardens "we" built boxes for on the edge of the deck....

Oh and our new grapes! It doesn't look like much now but give it a year and imagine a pergola and a patio...nice right?!
Oh and I'm going to give Angela the credit for the amazing yellow plum tree in the middle - yay Ange. YOU ROCK! And she said we should do seating around it....awesome! AND she will drop everything and join me in dropping hundreds of dollars at plant stores...bff territory.

I need to stop for a second and say, why did no one tell me before how much shopping gardening involves?! I freaking LOVE gardening!!! YAY!

Here's some of those plants in my new flower garden. This is before and after we did a ton of digging and hauling and by WE I mean WE. Holy digging batman!

Oh and where were my little helpers while I toiled away in the rain? They were in and out...mostly in but they also subscribe to the there in spirit thing...

And oldest son even got a job! Love to see him clean up...

Here's hoping that our newfound love of all things garden will result in beautiful flowers and loads of fresh yummy veggies and fruit! Happy shopping all you crazy gardeners...I've now joined the cult!

Friday, May 16, 2008

okay so lets do this thing....

Well I did it! I actually registered myself and my gals for our first half marathon! YIKES! How did this come about? Why? What?
I have no answers for you other than, I talk about it for long enough, I'm just gonna have to do it!

The race takes place in beautiful Victoria on October 12, 2008. I have no idea if I'll be ready. I'm never run farther than 13 km and this is a 22km race here we come! We have this handy dandy 12 week training program that we need to start in the middle of July. I think it will be a great thing to train and plan for. I'm not sure how I'll fit it in to my schedule but I'm excited to try.

In other news....
I'm official middle aged. Sad but true! We went to a wedding this weekend for the younger sister of one of my best friends. I've known the bride since she was 1 I think! Her sister and I (12 and 13 years older respectively) used to drag her and her little bro around like little dolls. It was an honor to be invited to see her get married. And she was a beautiful bride. It was a little strange though, to be one of the older people at the wedding! VERY strange because I still feel like one of those 20is people rather than a 30ish people.

Here's Kev and I all dressed up like real live adults....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Best doggie EVER!!

I came into the kitchen one day to find this....

I think they were having "tea". Please ignore the disaster that is my pre-renovated kitchen. One day we will actually get the darn thing finished!

I feel like she's asking me, "how long do I have to put up with this?". Honestly, she's the most tolerant dog ever! The girls torment her all day long and she puts up with them like a trouper!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday am thoughts

So here I am with a couple of minutes to myself, the house is perfectly quiet....


I had to get up super early this morning to get hubs to the airport. Normally he'd drive himself but the van (which we just had fixed) started to do this weird sputtering thing yesterday so we had to take it in and I can't be without a vehicle for the two days he's gone so.....

I got up at 5am and drove to the airport.

But that's not the crazy thing.

When I came home, instead of hopping back into my warm bed beside my warm four year old (not sure why she has her own bed really?!?!) I put on my ipod and went for my run early. YUP CRAZY!

So here I am, it's 7:40 the kids are all still asleep and I've been for my run. I actually have a minute to write my blog and have a shower.

I think I am seeing what you morning people are going on about. Don't get too excited though cuz I still love my warm bed!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Birthday pictures and other stuff

It only took me a week to put these up... but in my defense we've all been sick. Not the nice... oh, cough, cough, I'm not feeling good kind. nope! It's the go to bed and get up a day later, burning with fever kind. I'm still not feeling 100% but it seems to be running it's course. Levi finally socummed so that's everyone, hopefully we're all done.

On to the good stuff...

Our smallest boy child turned 10. TEN!!! WOW! On April 28th. He's still our little man though as he asked for cute kids type toys (Build a Bears and such). We were more than happy to accommodate him as this may be the last year he's little in that way.

Here he is opening the "must have" game from G & G Reid!
isaac birthday

He's brought so much joy to us in the 10 years he's been part of our family.

I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. He was the only one that made me wait...fitting really as he still makes me wait. He was born 5 days late and with a super long knotted cord attaching him to the placenta. I didn't know until later that this could have been a disaster. Thank you Lord for your grace! I looked into his tiny face with the too large nose and thought, "well Hello little man. There you are!". He made Levi a big brother and us feel like a family, a real one. No playing it once you have two kids!

He's grown into quite a young man. Isaac means laughter and he is so ready with that. We love our sensitive, warm, cuddly little man. What a special day. A whole decade!

He wanted to forgo the "kid birthday" in favour of having his best friend over for a play. We than had Noah's whole family join us in our family gathering. It was wonderful! I hope he knows how much he's loved!

Happy 10th birthday Isaac!

(and one of the doggie cuz I mean, how cute is she?!)