Tuesday, November 20, 2007

not every day but...better than before...

I'm trying something new...being consistent. I know, crazy right?!
Okay so only in the areas of reading my bible and writing in my blog.

Where are my priorities?

Here's were I should be consistent if I was a "good" wife/mum

1. laundry. Everyday and folding it! I know you laundry people don't always fold. It only counts if it's folded and in the drawer! (mine NEVER counts!)
2. schooling with my kids. I am a homeschooler and not one of those poster child ones either. I'm the, rather bake, read, run, watch cool movies kind of homeschooler. I feel exactly how the kids do about their school work (shhhhh don't tell them!)
3. vacuuming. HATE IT! and now we have a dog, enough said!

I do have one thing that I have managed to do on a regular basis, for a whole year. Yes, I am as surprised about it as everyone else!


I run at least 3 times a week. For 11 Km. Rain, shine, wind storm (almost killed by a falling branch, very exciting!) and cold.


Love how I feel after I run.

Love that I am actually capable of doing something consistently. Who knew?!

Here are my running peeps! We may have had a couple of glasses of wine at the time....
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Badness Jones said...

I used to run....when I met Hubs I ran every other day and could sprint up the 100+ stairs outside Casa Loma....I should start again...your post is inspiring...and btw? You DON'T look wrinkled or tired. You look gorgeous. And thanks for visiting my blog!

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Yay! I get to visit your blog again today:)
Your list could be my list. Unfortunately not consistant with my running yet either.
I did throw in James Bond last night and fold laundry til 1 am. All done! and put away! It has been piling on the couch for a month at least.
Of course when I bring up the stuff from the dryer, we begin again.
Good luck on the consistancy thing:)We need it!

Kellan said...

Great picture! At least you run - that's more excercise than I get! Good for you. BTW, I'm Kellan - nice to meet you. Take care.