Sunday, July 13, 2008

more holiday pictures....

I almost gave up and just went on with my life, leaving what's left of our wonderful week on my computer. HOWEVER, here I find myself, up before everyone else and awake and dressed (trust me this does NOT happen much). goes....

Canada Day:

July 1 is when we celebrate our national holiday here in Canada, even the weather got the memo. Wow! What an amazing day in every way.

Check out Maddy's breakfast of champions!!! Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone I let my kid do this okay?! But if you can't have a little pop with your sugar, opps I mean cereal while you're on holiday then when can you?

Here's how the day started for Kev....pure bliss...

And Bella spent some time with the gookie (yup. Made that up myself, so what?!) bubble stuff I brought. You can imagine how delighted everyone was with me:)

And I finally got to meet Kristen's little sis. We've heard so much about each other over the years it was just a formality to actually meet irl. What an awesome lady! They were camping across the lake and came over to hang for the day. Awesome! Maddy and Anna were inseparable and Aaron blended in with all the crazy boys so seamlessly he just added to the madness. Perfect!
Here are Halley and Anna are checkin' out the dock...

We also got a great surprise! Our friends Lynn....

and Mark...

stopped by "on their way" to Kelowna. It actually took them about 2 hours out of their way but it was so great to see them again we were glad they took the time.

Lynn, Kristen and I met at church when we all only had 2 boys that were 3-4 and 1. There's something about the people you meet when you kids are little eh?! It's a bond that hard to break!

It's amazing to me how God seems to bind your hearts to some people. It doesn't matter how much time passes.

Check them out now! I only ventured into this madness to take a quick photo and than I ran for cover....

The tree boys in front, were our one year olds when we met. It boggles the mind! (and yes my 10 year old is VERY small for his age! In all fairness though Jesse, far right, is massive.)
I took a couple shots as I was backing away from the madness....

You don't want to get in the way of this crew!

Off they went on the tube...

While Princess Arabella entertained us with her extreme cuteness! And we, of course, ate more chips! ....

and I even got one of Kris, cutest preggo eveh! Pretty darn amazing for 6 babies! I know she's going to kill me for this but I can run faster than her right now. Ha Ha....

Sorry Kristen. Love ya girl!


Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

K, I love the shot of Girly with her parasol! but you just think you can run faster, I may be whale-like, but I am spry...
Man, I was so nice and didn't post any of the eating and talking photos I have of you...
It is on girl!
hee hee

Kellan said...

Looks and sounds like a fabulous vacation!

Hope you had a good day - Kellan

Monica said...

What fun!! Thanks for sharing your pics.