Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Levi's trip to Mexico and some talk about homeschooling...

I need to post these but I'm kind of low on pithy things to say. I always get like this by the end of summer. I feel a bit wrung out. It's been a wonderful fun filled summer full of visiting and eating (and running so I can keep eating) but I'm just...tired and ready for the season to change.

This year will bring some new beginnings for our family. Levi (our oldest) is heading to school for the first time. No he's not 5...he's 13. I know but we are homeschoolers so this is a big step at our house. It's a small private school in our neighbourhood so it will be a gentle transition for him (and me). He's nervous and excited.

The smaller peeps and I are staying here to explore the world. I've been reading about the Charlotte Mason Method of teaching/learning/facilitating exploration of our world and I'm wondering..."why did I wait so long to read these books?!" It's speaking to my heart! WOW!

This is the book I'm reading right now and here's a quote from the Chapter "What is Eduction?"

"We, as persons, are not enlightened by means of multiple-choice tests or grades, but rather by the other people in our lives that we come to know, admire and love. We are educated by our friendships and by our intimacies. For instance, think how the actions of someone you admire influence your behaviour. Similarly, think also of how a boy's interest is sparked by a hobby he loves, and to which he devotes all his time and trouble. Whether it be gardening, keeping house, or governing a state, love of work - like love of people- teaches things that no school, no system, can. " Karen Andreola Charlotte Mason Companion

This could explain my own love of this whole blogging thing too and is obviously not exclusive to homeschooling. I'm feeling my passion for this whole journey returning. Let me be honest, the last two years have been a challenge. Let's just say, we're all pretty excited to start again...again:)

Here's the biggest event in son #1's life this summer:

Levi and Kevin went to Mexico with a team from our church. They built a home for a couple of single mom's and their kids. It was an amazing learning opportunity for Levi and I've seen a bit of a leap in his willingness to help around our home AND his thankfullness. He commented on how little these people have and yet how thankful and happy they are. Pretty cool AND a bit of a reminder to us all.

Starting the build...

Levi and his little shadow. this kid LOVED him!

Working on the house....

Ladies washing and chatting with their new home in the background....

The whole team....

Celebrating their new home!

Working on crafts with the village kids...

goofing off...

Hanging at the campsite...

One day off at the beach...

Flying home...

Well look at that, I did have quite a bit to say after all. Like I wouldn't?! hee hee.


LoriD said...

What a great experience for Levi. It's wonderful that, at 13, he realizes how blessed his life has been.

Best of luck to him at school. I'm sure he'll do well!

Kellan said...

What a great experience for your son and I loved all those pictures of their trip and the great job they did. I wish your son well in school and you have a good week, Shay - see you soon - Kellan

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Such a lot of growing up happening in your home. What an awesome experience for them Shay, so glad it was a really positive one.
Praying for you and thinking of you in this transition time.
Love you and miss you!

luvmy4sons said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I enjoyed my visit here! Hugs to you!

Melissa said...

That is such a great experieince for Levi. Good for him for getting what it is all about!!
Keep up the great job Shalagh!!

Amy said...

Levi's journey sounds amazing! I have so much respect for your approach to schooling - best of luck!

RainyPM said...

I've really been inspired by the teachings of Charlotte Mason too. My kids aren't quite old enough to start anything official yet, but I've been doing some research. I thought I'd share a couple of links I've saved:

http://herdingturtles101.blogspot.com/2008/09/school-plans.html (she has a link to Ambleside Online here, which is great, as well as the books they'll be using this year)

http://melissawiley.com/blog/category/charlotte-mason/ Lots of CM ideas


Hope some of this helps!