Saturday, September 20, 2008

September is crazier than Christmas and other thoughts....

I've discovered something about myself. I love being busy, having lots to do and tons of people to see BUT there's a fine line. When I cross this unseen line I move into the land where I can barely cope. Out come the "crazy eyes" and out goes any peace in my mind. I loose sight of the big picture and just go into "one foot in front of the other" mode. It's not pretty.

The goal this year is to figure out how to get all the kids to their events and to homeschool without entering "crazy-eye" land. Oh and I'm back, in case you're wondering. Hubby took me on a 5 day trip (no kids) to San Fransisco.

It was the perfect cure for what ailed me. Now I'm back all rested and refreshed and ready to run the roads again.

...some new and exciting changes have been happening at the Speilman house. Well they're new and exciting to us anyway. Son number one went to school for the first time. Is he five you ask? Nope. Thirteen. He and his cousins biked off to their first day

and so far.... he's loving it! I think what he likes most is the independence. I've suddenly had to allow him to take on a lot more responsibility. He has to get himself to school and home and get himself organized for school and sport without me around. He's rising to the challenge quite nicely and I'm more than pleasantly surprised!

The girls are back at dance and Isaac (son #2) has joined them. He went to the year end show last year and thought he might like to try a class. We let him attend his cousin's classes for the first week, just to try it out. She's doing 2 ballet, 1 technique and one jazz out AND he LOVES it! It's crazy and kind of wonderful. It took my hubby a minute(okay a few weeks actually but who's counting) to get his head around the fact that his little boy was going to take ballet but I think it's all good now. The main thing is...he LOVES it! And he's quite good.

And of course there's soccer for both boys and the homeschooling.
I'm going to write another post about the homeschooling so stay tuned! I've been praying for passion, for inspiration, for some love of teaching/learning to come back. AND God answered. I'm pretty excited about this year.
God is so good! I have so much to be thankful for.


Aunt Becky said...

September IS crazy! You're SPOT ON!

Hope things die down and chill out so you can relax some :)

InTheFastLane said...

I know what you mean about that line. I find myself so busy all the time, and really, I don't know what I would do if I wasn't. But, there is that point where it is all just too much.

i love the pic of the boys on their bikes! i hope school is going well for him and all of you.

Badness Jones said...

September is crazy for us too - and since half the people we know and love (including both my babies) have their birthdays between September and Christmas, it seems like the crazy goes all the way to January. Five days away with your husband? You are a lucky woman Shay! Oh, and those photos of your daughter are gorgeous, isn't it crazy how fast they grow? Our girlie will be 5 next week, and it sometimes feels like we just brought her home yesterday.

Laura said...

What a lovely and busy post.

I love your take on your son starting school. What a wonderful foundation you have created for him. KUDOS.

My husband would have even taken longer than yours regarding the dance lessons - but I think that is GREAT!

Happy Fall!

Chey said...

ooh, I'm excited to read the homeschooling post. We are excited to be homeschooling this year. Glad you had a great time in San Fran!!

Lori said...

I'm excited to hear about your new inspiration! That sounds like a tremendous answer to prayer.

I'm so glad everything is going so well for your family.

Cyriously? said...

I'm so glad you're letting your son take dance! I think we're going to have a boy who will want to dance too and I'm all for it! So You Think You Can Dance anyone?

Amy said...

I am happy things are going well for you. I can't wait to hear more about your home schooling. said...

Wow! A lot of changes since I last read your blog! Hope things get into a good groove for you soon...

the mama bird diaries said...

Good luck finding a balance. It is so very hard.