Thursday, June 24, 2010

School is out ... for summer...sort of :)

It's officially summer for us! Amelia attended her Kindergarten homeschool wrap up party, Isaac and Maddy had their last meeting with the support teacher who oversees us AND Levi is done...
well sort of...
He has suddenly found his school mojo of sorts and will be doing his English 10 online in July. Yay Levi!! But he's done everything else.

So today I sit with nothing on my calendar. I'm not sure what to do. I mean, don't get me wrong, there is much to do. I just mean I don't have 3 things to race to back to back or baking due at some function or someone's gift to buy. I guess I can't avoid it any longer...I'll have to do the laundry...sigh.

In other news, we got the pool up! Which will ensure a summer time full of laundry for me :) just in case I was to run out.

Sometimes in the midst of the laundry and the vacuuming and the millions of meals and snacks, I forget about the joy.

The joy in that first gasp as you break the surface of a cold pool.
The joy in sucking on a Freezy
and feeling it run in sticky streams down your chin.
The joy of eating snacks for lunch
and having bag after bag of chips.
The pure joy in running.
and screaming.
and laughing until your sides hurt.
The joy in plucking something out of the garden.
and eating it with while the dirt crunches between your teeth.
The joy in late bedtimes
and sleepovers.
The joy of having late night bonfires.
and early morning birdsongs.
The joy of reading a book just for fun.
The joy of warm sun on wet skin.
Pure summer joy!

It's great to be a child at our house! Here's to a summer of joy for everyone.

1 comment:

Cyriously? said...

OH I want to be at your house for summer fun!!!